Gang Members Stabbed

Three people were stabbed in a long-simmering gang war that exploded amid the slides and swings of Tilles Park on Monday.
Fort Smith police were called to local hospitals in reference to three people who had been stabbed. Police learned that the three had sustained stab wounds during a gang battle involving 15 to 20 people, according to Sgt. Daniel Grubbs, public information officer for the Fort Smith Police Department.

"We feel this was the continuation of events from last week and maybe a month ago," Grubbs said.
The gangs involved were Florencia 13, a Hispanic gang, and Brick Squad, a mixed race gang, according to Grubbs.
Of the three people stabbed, one suffered a collapsed a lung, another sustained stab wounds to his back and shoulder area and the third sustained a stab wound to his upper buttocks, Grubbs said.
Gustavo Iraburo, 18, was the only suspected participant in the fight who was arrested, according to Grubbs. Officers with the Street Crimes Unit believe that as many as 13 more participants in the fight will be located and arrested.
Florencia 13 and Brick Squad have been going back and forth attacking each other, Grubbs said.
"If one gets jumped this fight, the other will get jumped the next fight," Grubbs said.


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